Easy to navigate, but would be more effective with a search feature
Easy to navigate, but would be more effective with a search feature
All the text is there. The problem is there isn’t even a basic search feature. For example if you wanted to search for the word “impeachment.” Even an simple index would help. But what is there to teach? Zip, zero, zilch, nada!
You are not able to search the contents of constitution or it ammendments. This greatly retuces it’s usefulness.
I am deleting this app! It has been updating almost daily for the last 2 weeks. Ridiculous! Apparently, the developer is asleep at the wheel.
I am getting ready to delete this app!! There is an update every couple of days. Whats going on???
Why all of the updates? Is this ap trustworthy?
Text does not display on screen until after hovering mouse over text window. Almost acts like a video driver problem, except that the "Signers" section does not behave in the same way (appears to work correctly). All other apps on my Mac work correctly. I have MBP Retina with Mountain Lion.
It has everything there, of course, but it doesn't have a search feature. You know, for those things you know are in the Constitution but might not be able to remember where they are. That would be a great feature to add.
Hey—how about a search function? OK. Thanks.
No search function. You'd get more functionality by downloading a text file for free off the Internet and opening it with Textedit. This app is literally less useful than a text file.
Good to have as a (somewhat) quick reference if you need one, but would be vastly improved by a search function, and some way of annotating the text. Adding these features would really make using the app more efficient and helpful as a research tool, and I'd be willing to pay a few bucks for a future version of the app that included them.
I like this app but when I upgraded to Lion it stopped working as did the Declaration of Independence app.
This is great! I love it, and somedays I pull it up and read it to remind myself how great our country is.
Refuses to open on my Mac. Extremely slow and unhelpful (clueless) response from developer. A waste of time. No idea how other reviewers managed to get this to display anything.
Nice to have an app like this for my Mac. I also have a Constitution app for the iPod Touch. The one thing I like is that you can adjust the type to make it bigger or smaller. Easy to read.
For a free program, awesome. It is quick, easy, and in a bigger font that the actual constitution law book. Oh, Don't forget, it's free!
This offers a handful of font choices, but only appears at all if helvetica is chosen. Offers Times, Times Bold, Futura, Cochin and Zapfino, but those don't work if the fonts aren't installed in the system. They don't seem to be embedded within the app itself. Fonts that are installed in the system don't even show up as options, just those 6, whether installed or not. Their Declaration for Mac v1.0.1 suffers from the same problem. Nice idea. Handy to have, but poor font implementation.
Some of the information makes for interesting reading (for example, proposed amendments).
Hancock is not included because he didn't sign it. You might be thinking about the US Declaration of Independence that is the one he is famous for signing. Good job on this application. I would love to see you implement a word search function or some other “find” capabilities.
I do a lot of blog reading, and this app comes in very handy when a question about our Constitution comes up. I've had it on my dock for about two weeks and I've referred to twice already. You can find the Constitution in many places, but never this easy.
I thought this would be cool to have since I am studing politics. It's great becuase if I need to pull it up in class I will be able to.
This is a nice application, however if it had dates it would be more informational and educational.
Free and easy to use. All Americans need to become more familiar with their Constitution. Designed by brillant minds looking back on a millennia of human governance. Properly executed it is unlike anything else on earth intentionally.
can you all please fix consitution for mac. it is awesome when it works...most times i just get an error and it won't open
Swithed to app info back to text and app quit and won't reopen.
Needs a full-text search feature?!?
I like this app, but it would be nice if you gave a background note to each piece of the document. Meaning we could scroll our mouse over the wording in the document and it would give us an explination and reasoning for that particlular declaration. Adding more historical infomation to the app would be nice.
I am a huge supporter of the U.S. Constitution. Everyone should read it. I downloaded this app becaused I wanted to have it as an easy reference so I could copy and paste quotes from the constitution into my school projects. This is a good app, but it does not have a very asteticaly pleasing design. The app icon could be better because the transperancies are dificult to read. I also wish I could see high resolution scans of the actual document.
I use this as a reference for my law class. It's hard to argue with free!
It looks like this has the full constitution (hard to get that wrong), but there doesn't appear to be any way to search the full text of the document. You can search on each article or amendment, but if you don't know which one you are looking for, there appears to be no way to search for it.
This is ok but a copy in PDF lets you search. -jim
The font size needs to be an option. This is killing my eyes! Please provide an update that allows at least a size 12 font.
One reviewer claimed that you cannot search this document. However, using Apple's (command + F) combination allows you to search this document as with any other text document. I would like to have seen more authentic-looking fonts and background parchment imagery to give it a more authentic look.
Neat & Informative!
Easy to use. Nothing special about it, though. It's nice that it has biographies of the Founding Fathers.
I was very excited to find this app in the Apple store so as you can imagine, I donwloaded it quickly so I could have it on my MacBook. So, let me get to the core of the matter right away: The Good: 1. Text of the US constituion, Preamble, and the Declaration of Indepence. 2. Provides biography of all signers of the Constitution with corrsponding short biography of each signer. 3. Brain-dead easy to use. The Bad: 1. There is no "Search" feature of the document. If there is no search feature, it really cannot be used as a reference as I doubt that you have every and single passage memorized to know where to find things in it. 2. There is no print option. Why not allow to print portions or entire Constitution if one wishes to do so for reference purposes.. 3. Finally, I started comparing it to my pocket book Constituion release and this is what I observed: - letter casing is not the same which seems to diminish the meaning. It takes a weight and emphasis away from very important phrases. Like, WE THE PEOPLE is simply converted to "We the people." The meanig is quite different when you look at these two. Overall, it is a good start but I think, it needs some work.
Yes, you can get the text of the Constitution elsewhere, but this is something you should always have with you. I carry this on my Mac and my iPad for reference, for education and because everyone should be familiar with the text.
We are now heading to an American society void of an understanding of the Constitution. We need to be familiar with our foundation and our rights. This is a great way to access the great document and I understand where the programers got their inspiration. Well done.
I'm in 8th grade and we are learning about the constitution. This is going to make it much easier to study!
Very poorly designed UI. Don't see any way to change the font size. Menus are around that shouldn't be there: File menu has a dimmed "New", "Open", "Save", etc. - you can never use them in this app, so why are they still even there?
This is an excellent resource for all Americans. It would be great if all American Mac users would get this app and actually read the Constitution. The extra details on each signer makes the content more interesting by providing a perspective of the men who worked together to come up with such an amazing document.
Certainly useful and we should all refresh our knowledge of the Constitution every so often. Apple's bundled Dictionary app is a similar kind of application in that it presents mostly text and some images in a plain window, however it far better on the eye. I realize this is free, hence the simplicity, but above everything else it really needs some formatting and cleaning up as far as the typography and presentation goes. How about some headers for one thing?
is an outdated, outmoded document that has no business guiding the government of the world's largest and most powerful nation.
Its just as perfect as the ipad app. Its also great that we can get it free.
Could have used this app a few months ago when i was taking a government class.
This is a nice presentation of the Constitution, along with some background information. It's a good interface, and is easy to use. For future versions, some of the menus could be tweaked. Currently, a few of the menus don't make sense. For example, Spelling and Special Characters are active, which only make sense if there's editable text. Also, it would be nice to have the option to change font size and to show/hide the dates to the amendments on the text page (currently, you have to click to "notes" to see when a given amendment was ratified).
It's hard to have anything but constructive criticism for an app that might encourage more people to read the Constitution! Having said that, it could certainly use some sprucing up. For such a historic document, the presentation is rather drab. Perhaps a nicer default font and a parchment background or something would make it look more inviting. A choice of font would be a nice touch for those that might have trouble reading a small font. Also, the ability to search would be great. It's about the only missing feature that's essential for content of this size.